House of Refuge

For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.



The House of Refuge is a foster home for abandoned or neglected babies that is  licensed by the Guatemalan government but fully financed by BBIC  supporters. Up to 8  babies less than two years of age may be housed temporarily while awaiting forever homes. The foster home opened  In 2017 after the Lord sent us a wonderful couple, Daniel and Margareth, to serve as house parents.  In 2018, we were blessed with the opportunity to expand to a second floor, providing more space and allowing children of older ages to stay with us.

In 2023, the Lord provided another Godly couple,  Ernesto and Jackie, to take over the role of house parents.  Along with the support of trained nannies,  the staff at the foster home provide a loving Christian environment for the children that have been placed with us. 

House of Refuge Q & A August 2023

How long has the BBIC foster home, The House of Refuge, been open and what are some of the legal aspects to running it?

The doors opened in 2017 after approval from the Guatemalan government. Just some of the many staffing requirements are to have house parents and nannies. Also, foster homes are required to contract with a psychologist, a nutritionist, a social worker and a physician to provide monthly support for the children’s social, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

What calling did God place on your heart to become the house parents at the House of Refuge?

In the beginning, it was a call to help others, but as time has passed, we have realized that we are having an impact in the hearts of these little ones. We have received a very specific conviction that our mission should be like the one of Moses’ parents, preparing them in this short time to become men and women of faith, filled with the love of Jesus. Our desire is that they fulfill the purpose that God has for them. We want to fulfill this verse: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.

What ages of children are placed in the home? What is the maximum number you can have?

We are licensed to take newborns up to 2 years of age. The court system decides which children are placed with us and has made a special exemption for two children to stay with us long-term as they grow older. We can have up to 10 children in residence at any one time.

How many children have been ministered to since the House of Refuge opened in 2017? What are some of the reasons children are usually placed in foster care?

So far we have taken care of 23 children. We deal with issues such as abandonment (orphans), abuse, malnutrition, and neglect.

It is truly like one big family at the foster home. What are some of your favorite activities and routines with the children?

We love listening to them, playing with them, going out with them to have fun on the playground, and having devotional time where they learn about Jesus and sing to Him.

International adoption is closed - how many children have been successfully adopted to an approved Guatemalan couple?

So far, we’ve accomplished six domestic adoptions.

Do you have any advance notice when a baby will be placed in your care? What sort of process occurs before a child comes to you?

The process goes like this: Social Services contacts our home to see if we have room for another baby. Then, the judge issues an order for the baby to be received in our home. Most of the children go first to the hospital for a medical evaluation and a COVID test.

What items are helpful for donating to the foster home?

We always need powdered formula with iron for babies up to one year old. Formula is very expensive in Guatemala – much more so than in the USA. Also, baby lotion, baby shampoo and diaper rash ointment are always useful! From time to time, we will request certain sizes of clothes and other supplies as we need them.

We are so very grateful for the financial support received for each monthly budget. Quite simply, without this support, the foster home would not be able to provide the quality of care that it does. Unlike other foster homes run only by government funds, the House of Refuge has electricity, a refrigerator, and a washer & dryer. We are able to buy fresh meat & vegetables, prepare baby food and store it safely, and save money by washing lots of cloth diapers!

What does a Guatemalan adoption look like? What sort of preparations have to be done?

During the time the children stay in our home, we have hearings with the judge to determine if the child will return to their family or go through the adoption process. The child must be declared adoptable (having no living relatives). Then, the child is evaluated to create a profile, and available families are matched to the profile by adoption services. The matched family’s first introduction to the child is made through photographs, and if they decide to continue, the family sends photos and videos for the child to get to know them before actually coming to spend time with the child. A date is set for the visit, and after three days of spending time together, on the fourth day, the child is handed over to the adoptive parents.

How do you handle the sadness and difficulty when a child has been in your care and then is adopted by a new family or reunited with their biological family?

Separation from our children is inevitable in this ministry. It is very painful and sad, but God has helped us overcome that pain. Prayer for them has always helped us go through those moments. We remember every baby that has been with us, but we know that God brought them to our home, and He is in control of their lives, fulfilling His purpose in them. God takes care of each one of them.